by David Apgar | Jul 21, 2017 | Assumption Testing, Business intelligence, Entrepreneurs, Small business, Technology strategy, Uncategorized
Malcolm Forbes supposedly said that on Wall Street, whoever has the most toys wins. His magazine argued more recently that in Silicon Valley, whoever has the most data wins. Andrew Ng of Stanford and Coursera agrees, as do most Big Data entrepreneurs and evangelists....
by David Apgar | Jul 17, 2017 | Assumption Testing, Business intelligence, Entrepreneurs, Small business, Technology strategy
Parochial data – the failure to share data or its analysis – can be lethal. In 2008, I published a case study of the 2005 explosion at BP’s Texas City refinery that killed 15 and injured 100 people in my book Relevance (Wiley). One key point was that the firm had...
by David Apgar | Jul 12, 2017 | Small business, Technology strategy
The $2.7B fine that the European Union (EU) imposed on Google at the end of June for displaying its own comparison-shopping results over rival websites conjured not just two but three starkly different views of the future of technology and capitalism. The one under...