GoalScreenTM Blog

Two challenges facing U.S. businesses raise the question of how well our performance management systems are performing. One: Although average worker productivity has risen briskly for two decades average wages have stagnated. Two: The flattening of U.S. consumer demand has put intense pressure on business leaders to pinpoint what drives success in new export markets. Yet early indications are that German and Japanese firms are adapting to new markets in places like China and India more quickly than U.S. firms. The criticism is that balanced scorecards track too many irrelevant factors to provide focus. The challenge is finding metrics that matter.

Assumption-based metrics (PDF)

David Apgar
Founder - Goalscreen

About David Apgar

David has helped entrepreneurs around the world achieve their goals by identifying powerful new drivers of organizational growth. He has advised businesses on best practices at McKinsey and CEB, managed small-business and microfinance funds, and taught at Johns Hopkins and Wharton.

David has a BA from Harvard, an MA from Oxford, and a PhD from Rand's Graduate School. The GoalScreen coaching program and software platform have evolved out of his desire to make it simpler and easier for small businesses and social enterprises to take advantage of the power of assumption testing and impact scoring.

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